Plaka-hegats bero-trukagailua is a type of bero-trukagailua design that uses plates and finned chambers to transfer beroa between fluids, most commonly gases. It is often categorized as a compact heat exchanger to emphasize its relatively high bero-transferentzia surface area to volume ratio. The plate-fin heat exchanger is widely used in many industries, including the aeroespaziala industry for its compact size and lightweight properties, as well as in kriogenia where its ability to facilitate heat transfer with small temperature differences is utilized.
Aluminiozko aleaziozko plaka-hegats-bero-trukagailuak, maiz Brazed Aluminium Bero-Trukagailu gisa aipatzen direnak, 60 urte baino gehiago daramatzate hegazkin-industrian erabili eta bigarren mundu gerraren garaian aire kriogenikoaren bereizketa-industrian eta handik gutxira prozesu kriogenikoetan sartu ziren. Gas Naturala Prozesatzeko bezalako lantegi kimikoetan. Tren-makinetan eta motor-autoetan ere erabiltzen dira. Altzairu herdoilgaitzezko xafla hegatsak 30 urte daramatzate hegazkinetan erabiltzen eta orain lantegi kimikoan ezartzen ari dira.